POSITION: Food Store Attendant
LOCATION: The SJOS Food Store (Parish Centre) 50 Fitzgerald St, South Yarra, Victoria 3141
HOURS: The Food Store is open 3 days every week, with 2 people rostered on each shift
Thursday | 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Saturday | 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Sunday | 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Working with Children Check
- Respect for the privacy and dignity of all visitors to the Food Store
- The Food Store is available to those receiving Centrelink support payments and residents of the SJOS transitional housing units. It provides an opportunity for visitors to obtain a parcel of food and/or toiletry staples to supplement their needs. Visitors may attend the Food Store once per calendar month.
- Please ensure to follow good food handling protocols at all times when handling food.
- Please always give each visitor a warm welcome and a cheerful farewell.
- Food Store volunteer should arrive at least 10 minutes before opening to ensure correct Food Store set-up.
- Keys are available from the priest at the Priory.
- Weekend volunteers are asked to restock the Bread Bank 2-way fridge before opening.
- COVID Safe Regulations are in place. Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer are available for use. The wearing of masks is recommended.
- Cheese, eggs, and produce from the Garden Club are stored in the kitchen refrigerator.
- The waiting area is outside so, ideally, only 1 person or family should be inside the Food Store at any time.
- Please ensure that visitors stand behind the Perspex screen.
- Every visitor should provide an identification document.
- After greeting the visitor, the volunteer requests their Centrelink ID (or other official identification document) and marks the visit date in the current month column of the visitor register.
- If the visitor is not on the register, please add their details to the last page of the list.
- Each visitor may take 10 different items of food and/or toiletries without duplication of any item.
- Visitors may attend the Food Store once each calendar month.
- At their discretion, the volunteer may provide a limited number of items to a repeat visitor in the same month.
- Please provide any visitor from an SJOS Transitional Housing Unit with additional support as requested. Residents may visit more than once per calendar month.
- As the visitor selects an item, the volunteer places the item on the counter and the items remain in view until completion of the selection of the 10 items.
- Eggs, cheese and toiletry items count as part of the 10 items.
- Once the visitor has completed their selections, the volunteer passes the items under the Perspex screen onto the shelf for the visitor to pack into their bags.
- Bags are available for visitors who do not have one.
- Please ensure shelves are restocked from the storeroom so each visitor has a complete view of the products available.
- Please ensure that empty boxes are flattened and put in the recycle bin.
- At the end of the shift, please ensure that the Food Store and kitchen are left clean, tidy and ready for the next opening, including benches, shelves and Perspex screen.
- Remember to lock all doors securely and return the key to the lockbox at the Priory.
- Please report any concerns by text to the Volunteer Coordinator.
POSITION: Food Store Top–Up Shopper
HOURS: Monday or Tuesday Evening | Or any day before Thursday opening time (SJOS recommends a team of by 2 people do the shopping)
- The Food Store maintains a “par stock” list of staple supplies which needs to be replenished weekly, based on a stock take of Food Store goods conducted by volunteers each Monday. Top-up shopping will ensure that adequate provisions are available for the next Food Store operations.
- Volunteers shop at a local supermarket, either ALDI, Coles or Woolworths to buy the required products.
- Only items on the “par stock” list are to be purchased.
- Cost is a major consideration so pricing must be considered for each item and it is likely that home brand or lesser known brand products will be most cost effective.
- Once shopping is completed, volunteers return to the Food Store to unpack and restock the shelves.
- Shopping receipts need to be submitted to SJOS for reimbursement.
- Please ensure that empty boxes are flattened and put into the recycle bin.
- Please also ensure that the Food Store and kitchen are left clean, tidy and ready for the next opening, including benches, shelves and Perspex screen.
- Remember to lock all doors securely and, if necessary, return the key to the lockbox at the Priory.
- Please report any concerns by text to the Volunteer Coordinator.
POSITION: Bread Bank | Woolworths Pick-up
LOCATION: Woolworths, 670 Chapel Street. At the loading dock: 7 River Street South Yarra, Victoria 3141 (just past Lonsdale Apartments) then return to Parish Centre (Kitchen), 50 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra, Victoria 3141.
HOURS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 7:00 am
- Leftover bread is removed from the Woolworths shelves just before 7:00 am each morning and discarded into a dumpster at 8:00 am. SJOS has an agreement with Woolworths management that the bread can be collected by SJOS Volunteers each morning at 7:00 am.
- Please ensure to follow good food handling protocols at all times when handling food.
- Ideally, on arrival at the back dock area, the packaged bread and rolls will be available on a trolley ready for packing into IKEA-type bags for transport to the Food Store.
- If the loaded trolley is not on the dock area, the volunteer must ring the access bell and ask the Woolworths staff to bring the leftover bread out to the dock area for packing into the bags for transport.
- Cakes, donuts or savory items are acceptable if they are well packaged and do not contain perishable products, in particular, cream.
- On return to the Food Store, items are loaded, from the outside, into the Bread Bank 2-way freezer.
- Please loosely pack items into the freezer to avoid crushing the products.
- Please ensure that the freezer doors are tightly closed and, if access to the Food Store has been needed, that all doors are securely locked and the area is clean and tidy.
- Any concerns or issues concerning packaging of the bread should be reported by text to the Volunteer Coordinator.
POSITION: Bread Bank | Baker’s Delight Bread Pick-up
LOCATION: Baker's Delight Cnr Wattle & Cato Streets, Prahran, Victoria 3181, then return to Parish Centre (Kitchen), 50 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra, Victoria 3141
HOURS: Thursday night at 6:00 pm
- Working with Children Certificate
- Clean, dry and tidy car suitable for the transport of food
- Understanding of safe food handling requirements - insert link to brochure
- Baker’s Delight maintains a sustainable management protocol where leftover bread is available from Baker’s Delight stores every Thursday night. SJOS has an arrangement with Baker’s Delight, Prahran Central for collection of leftover supplies every Thursday at 7:00 pm.
- Please ensure to follow good food handling protocols at all times when handling food.
- The volunteers are given access to the store at 7:00 pm by Baker’s Delight staff and pack leftover bread and rolls into bulk, IKEA-type, bags for transport.
- The bagged products are taken to the kitchen at 40 Fitzgerald Street to be packaged into individual freezer bags for distribution.
- Full-size loaves are put into large bags, half loaves and rolls, 4-a-piece, into medium size bags.
- Once individually bagged, loaves are placed in the upright freezer in the kitchen and rolls into the trunk freezer in the Food Store storeroom.
- Please loosely pack products into the bags to avoid crushing.
- At the end of the shift, please ensure that the Food Store and kitchen are left clean, tidy and ready for the next opening, including benches, shelves and Perspex screen.
- Remember to lock all doors securely and, if necessary, return the key to the lockbox at the Priory.
- Please report any concerns by text to the Volunteer Coordinator.
POSITION: Bread Bank | Thursday Night Bread Packer
LOCATION: The Parish Centre (Kitchen), 50 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra, Victoria 3141
HOURS: Thursday night at 6:15 pm
- Baker’s Delight maintains a sustainable management protocol where leftover bread is available from Baker’s Delight stores every Thursday night. SJOS has an arrangement with Baker’s Delight, Prahran Central for collection of the leftover supplies at 7:00 pm every Thursday.
- Please ensure to follow good food handling protocols at all times when handling food.
- Bulk bagged bread products are delivered to the kitchen area by the Baker’s Delight pick-up team.
- Full-size loaves are put into large bags, half loaves and rolls, 4-a-piece, into medium size bags.
- Once individually bagged, loaves are placed in the upright freezer in the kitchen and rolls into the trunk freezer in the Food Store storeroom.
- Please loosely pack products into the bags to avoid crushing.
- At the end of the shift, please ensure that the Food Store and kitchen are left clean, tidy and ready for the next opening, including benches, shelves and Perspex screen.
- Remember to lock all doors securely and, if necessary, return the key to the lockbox at the Priory.
- Please report any concerns by text to the Volunteer Coordinator.
{Guide to be inserted here}
POSITION: Waste Management Monitor | Units Rubbish Bins | Wednesday Morning Collection
LOCATION: Outside 54 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra, Victoria 3141
- Take Out | Tuesday after 2:00 pm
- Take In | Wednesday morning after 12 noon.
- Working with Children Check
- For weekly, Wednesday morning rubbish collection, the SJOS units’ rubbish bins need to be moved to the collection area every Tuesday afternoon and, once empty, returned to the bin area every Wednesday.
- The bin storage area is in Rocky Lane and bins need to be moved to the front of the small garden area in Fitzgerald Street on the carpark side of Rocky Lane.
- Green, waste, bins go out every week.
- Blue, recycling bins, go out every second week.
- Any rubbish left in the bin area should be discarded.
- Hard rubbish items need to be stored in the SJOS units’ storeroom until the next routine council hard rubbish collection.
- Please ensure that the bin area is left clean and tidy.
- Once the bins have been replaced, please ensure the area is closed and locked.
- Please report dumping of rubbish, abuse of the area, or any other concerns by text to the Volunteer Coordinator.
{Guide to be inserted here}
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